
About Us

It's not Coffee. It's a way of living.

Our Products

We source our Coffee Beans directly from Ethiopia, the birthplace of Coffee.

Arabica Beans

Arabica beans tend to have a sweeter, softer taste, with tones of sugar, fruit, and berries. Their acidity is higher, with that winey taste that characterizes coffee with excellent acidity.

Perfect for the mind and the body.


Robusta Beans

Robusta has a stronger, harsher taste, with a grain-like overtone and peanutty aftertaste. They contain twice as much caffeine as arabica beans, and they are generally considered to be of inferior quality compared to arabica.

Love Caffeine, this is for you.


Liberica Beans

The flavour profile is unique, and is described as smoky, nutty, floral with hints of dark chocolate, ripe berry and spice. It is favoured for its smooth aftertaste and lingering taste of rich dark chocolate.

Love complex flavours? Order and get your taste buds blown.


Excelsa Beans

Excelsa is said to possess a tart and fruity body which are flavors reminiscent of a light roast that also somehow has dark, roasty notes. This mystery lures coffee drinkers from around the world to try and seek out the varietal.

A bit expensive, but a little goes a long way.

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